Govt to Spend Ksh202 Million Installing Solar Panels at KBC Stations

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The National Treasury has allocated Ksh202 million to Kenya Broadcasting Corporation (KBC) towards the installation of solar panels.

This was captured in the expenditure summary for the State Department for Broadcasting and Telecommunication for the 2024/25 financial year as well as projected expenditure estimates for 2025/26 and 2026/27 financial years.

Installation of the solar panels was part of Ksh651 million allocated to the State Department to revamp KBC as well as other semi-autonomous institutions within the department.

This is an increase from Ksh526 million that had been allocated to the State Department in the current financial year.

According to the 2024/25 estimates, KBC will receive Ksh82 million which will go towards the installation of solar power systems at various KBC stations. 

Treasury projects that Ksh120 million will be used in the 2025/26 financial year to complete the project. 

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