Former Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua on Friday shared photos of him spending quality time at his native home in Mathira, Nyeri County alongside his family, including his wife, Pastor Dorcas Rigathi.
In the pictures shared by the former deputy president, Gachagua with his family members were captured sitting on the grass while enjoying the warmth of sunshine moments after the swearing-in of Kithure Kindiki as his replacement.
The former deputy president expressed joy to be back home, stating that “the smell of the fresh grass and the sounds of the chirping birds are what a family needs in such moments.”
Gachagua went ahead to commend his family for their motivation and moral support following the political turmoil that saw him get impeached by the Senate.
“Thanking God for the gift of my family. The smell of fresh grass and the sounds of chirping birds is what a happy family needs. I will remain forever grateful to God, for giving me a loving and supportive family. We are happy to be home, where I was born and brought up,” Gachagua wrote.
Gachagua further added that he would soon resume his morning walks in Hombe Forest which is located in Nyeri County. “I can’t wait for the morning to take my walk in Hombe Forest and enjoy the beautiful scenery of Mt Kenya as I thank God for His kindness,” Gachagua remarked.
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