Kennedy Ombima, popularly known as King Kaka has gift her mum a beautiful house. King Kaka pens a message to her mum explaining how they were once locked out of the house because of Ksh.500 rent that they were unable to pay.
“One day I came home from school and Kanjo had placed a Very Big padlock coz we couldn’t afford to pay Kshs 500 rent, I promised my mom that in the future I’ll buy her a house.” He twitted
The Kaka Empire C.E.O is celebrating his birthday today clocking 35years old.
One day I came home from school and Kanjo had placed a Very Big padlock coz we couldn’t afford to pay Kshs 500 rent, I promised my mom that in the future I’ll buy her a house. Fast forward 4days ago we just prayed in the living room of this house that I build for her.
— KING KAKA (@RabbitTheKing) May 6, 2022
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