Members of the County Assembly of Taita Taveta, led by the Deputy Speaker, Hon. Anselm Mwadime, today, joined other County leaders in a consultative meeting convened by Kenya Wildlife Services (KWS). The meeting that brought together all County leaders and other stakeholders, intended to discuss matters of Human Wildlife Conflict and other benefits accruing from the fact that Tsavo East and West National Parks lie on over 62% of Taita Taveta Land.
Kenya Wildlife Services has been challenged to create a good rapport with Taita Taveta leadership and residents in order to succeed in wildlife conservation in Tsavo Region.

Speaking during a leaders meeting between KWS led by director General Brig John Waweru, Governor Andrew Mwadime said that Taita Taveta residents must get benefits from the park that occupies 62 per of county land.
There has been a sour relationship between KWS and County residents due to perrenial human wildlife conflict with the conservation body being blamed for failing to protect locals against wildlife invasions.
“Our revenue is very little. The park is part of our resources and therefore we must establish ways to benefit from the park. Going forward we have agreed to work together with KWS and other partners to ensure we benefit from this resource,”said the Governor.

The meeting that was led by the KWS Director General, Brig. (Rtd) John Waweru, and attended by the County Governor, H.E Andrew Mwadime, County Commissioner, Layford Kibaara, Members of Parliament, Hon. Abdi Chome (Voi), Hon. Sospeter Shake (Mwatate) and Hon. Bwire Okano (Taveta), Members of County Assembly, amongst other leaders, discussed challenges that the County has faced, among them being delayed compensation for victims Human Wildlife Conflict (HWC)
The County Assembly has for a while now sought to engage the KWS on the complex compensation procedures and other benefits that the County should get from the Parks, including jobs, mining prospects, tourism and possible revenue sharing.

The Director General, KWS, also addressed the need for the County and KWS to unite and collaborate on the issue, while promising that the compensation claim form would be revised and made more public friendly. He also invited other partners and stakeholders to come on board and assist with the existing issues and unlocking the revenue potential of the park. Further, he said that most of the challenges being faced are due to existing laws, and urged the MPs present to push for amendment of the laws, in Parliament.
The parties agreed to further the conversation in the near future and come up with sustainable solutions that will put an end the strained relations between KWS and the County.
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