His Excellency President Uhuru Kenyatta on Saturday morning unveiled the statue of Kenyan independence hero, pan-Africanist and former Cabinet Minister, the late Ronald Gideon Ngala on Ronald Ngala Street in downtown Nairobi City.
Also present was the family of the late political supremo, celebrated for ‘majimboism’, a precursor of modern-day devolution, led by his son and former long-serving Cabinet Minister, Hon Noah Katana Ngala.
1/3 His Excellency President Uhuru Kenyatta on Saturday morning unveiled the statue of Kenyan independence hero, pan-Africanist and former Cabinet Minister, the late Ronald Gideon Ngala on Ronald Ngala Street in downtown Nairobi City. pic.twitter.com/lnBFpdo0wC
— State House Kenya (@StateHouseKenya) December 11, 2021
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