Tanzania’s first locally-assembled aircraft unveiled

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The Skyleader 600’s (as the aircraft is called) reveal took place at the Diamond Jubilee Hall of the Tanzania International Manufacturers Expo 2023 (TIMEXPO), which was held in the nation’s capital of Dar es Salaam. The aircraft is designed to fly two people including the pilot. An ideal aircraft for business trips.

David Grolic, the AAL director disclosed that his organization decided to take advantage of Tanzania’s favorable business climate, and willingness to adopt new technologies, by setting up the aircraft assembling outfit in the country.

David Grolic also noted that these aircraft are affordable and paying for one is comparable to paying for a car. They also have low operational costs, consume little energy, and are easily maintainable. The director noted that the initial plan revolves around domestic sales before eventually pivoting to selling to the international market.

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